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Frequently asked questions

q. Can i get drinking water

Yes, fresh water direct from the mains and also feeding the hot solar/gas shower now.

Q. is there room for a bivvy?

2 swims at both ends have plenty of room. The 3 swims on the long bank are tight buy ok for a 1 man or brolly and is currently being widened.  

Q. is there much weed? 

None or very light silk weed.

Q. Can I use my own bait? - You are welcome to use whatever boilie you like! No oily pellets please 

Q. Is there a food package available - You will be completely at the lake to fend for yourselves. However there are good super markets and restaurants close that I detail on the booking info pack.

Q. Is the lake a hard lake? 

We have a lot of very big carp that don't have any sanctuary to hide in. At the right times it can be easy but normally you will need to work a little which is as it should be. You are never going to be far away from a big fish! The average is at least one 40+ fish per day over the course of the season. 

   Q. Tactics and Tackle.

  Whatever you use in the UK is fine as there is no long casting. All tactics work including free lined bread to moving fish. Observation and choosing the right spot are key.

Q. Are boats ok? bait boats are fine and fairly essential if you fish high wire. Thee are boats and life jackets at the fishery that can be used at your own risk. An electric outboard for the boats would be an advantage if you have one

Q. Are mats and sling provided? we have 4 XL soft cradles and 4 tracker XL retainers for you to use. I am happy for you to use your own slings as they have a habit of disappearing and breaking.

Q. Do you have power

There is limited power from solar and inverter for essential charging .

Q. do I need a pod?

A rod pod is a good idea in most swims and certainly on the stagings

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